Friday 22 November 2013

Monthly Challenges: September 2013

Coursera has become my new favourite website and during September I undertook at course in Creativity, Innovation and Change with Penn State.  I was really looking forward to this course, surprisingly I found it a disappointment.  It is hard to pin point the reason why, but I found the videos were too short for my liking as they seemed like some MTV video soundbite and I didn't warm to the presenters either.  It simply didn't grab me like the Introduction to Art course.

That said the one idea I did like was the concept of Intelligent Fast Fail.  It really helps to counteract that perfectionist streak that can cripple people (and me) with inaction.  Basically you try stuff, fail quickly, learn from the experience and repeat.  Eventually you can succeed, but failure is an important part of the process which we should embrace as a positive experience.

Due to time constraints I didn't do the advanced course and I may have had a better experience, but somehow I managed to get 100% on the statement of achievement.  Bizarrely I have found the more I hate I course the higher the marks I get.  Still, I did get something out of it.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Photo of the Week: Salt Mills at Saltaire

We make visits to northern towns as part of the Life in Northern Towns blog and we revisited Saltaire outside Bradford in West Yorkshire recently.  The place is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is a beautiful place in a Victorian urban model village way.

This photo is what I call a happy accident.  We were in the Salt Mills at Saltaire, which is part Hockney art gallery, part shopping and part food experience.  As we were walking down the stairs I looked out the window and spotted this view.  With the magic of Instagram and the Sutro setting I turned the raw picture into this glorious Italian influenced image.  Maybe it is the perspective, maybe it's the colour palette or maybe it's the distressed nature of the photo, but I absolutely love this image.

©Anne-Marie Marshall 2013 

Every time I go back to Instagram I spend time looking at this picture thinking 'Wow, how lucky was I to get this?'.  I took other fab pictures of Saltaire which can be found at Pinterest.  If you love taking pictures of Victorian architecture and like visiting model villages Saltaire is the perfect place for you.  I will certainly go back.

All images the work of Anne-Marie Marshall.