Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Six Week Challenge - Week Four

Things definitely got better at week four as I was over the hump and over half way through my convalescence.

Boredom has kicked in.  Thankfully my parents brought Neil's Gran's sewing machine around and I started sewing on the sewing machine.  A couple of years ago I went on a patchwork course and I had been meaning to make stuff.  In the meantime I had collected a load of fabric so I had no excuse to start.  The first thing I did was a red patchwork cushion.  Weirdly I really hate cutting material and had a bit of a nightmare with it.  Although I'm alright using the machine.  I had some teething troubles initially and thankfully Google sorted me out.  It was really good to do something creative.  However Lil'Sox was feeling a little neglected and keeps trying to distract me from my project by siting on my fabric.

I escaped down the rabbit hole of twitter and set up an account for Lil'Sox.  Oh boy did I find the cat lady subculture!  I'm not the first person to set up a cat twitter account and I won't be the last.  A few cute tweets of Sox and we were off.  I could not believe how quickly her account got off the ground.  Plenty of follows ensured that Sox was followed back, who could resist her sweet face?

I did get out and about and bought a bus pass.  I'm so missing my car especially when I go green with travel sickness.  At least I could legitimately sit on the seats at the front of the bus for people who are old or with mobility issues like myself.

Things I learnt:
1. Creativity is good.
2. Reading becomes a bit of chore after four weeks.
3. Still no day time TV and I don't feel the need for it.
4. Buses still suck.
5. I'm turning into a cat lady.
6. People can be surprisingly thoughtful when you're out and on crutches.
7. You become really good at forward planning your trips out to minimise walking on crutches, whilst doing everything you want to do.
8. I'm not as obsessed about listening to podcasts on my iPod now I'm off work.
9. Running a twitter feed for your cat can be fun.
10. The end is in sight. 

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